Best Time To Post On Ao3


Comment on Educating the Victimby Queenautumn:


“I have a question- well first I love your story- but my question is how do you add pictures to your chapters?”

Best time to post on ao3 youtube

AO3 - the Archive of Our Own - has never been the most obvious platform for hosting artwork or other media. There is no simple upload method, and no separate fanart category. I really love browsing through the art tags on the site though, so I figured I would put together this little tutorial post for anybody googling for a solution. The people who spent more time on Facebook felt significantly worse later on, even after controlling for other factors such as depression and loneliness. Interestingly, those spending significant time on Facebook, but also engaging in moderate or high levels of direct social contact, still reported worsening well-being. Many bloggers spend a lot of time looking for “the best” theme and later invest even more time in its customisation. Sure, there is nothing bad about having a nice design. But As the majority of them are not full time bloggers, every hour more spent on the designing of the blog means one hour less for creating the content.

Reply by OnyxSardonyx:

“Thank you so much for your comment!!

I’d be happy to show you. Actually, I’m just about to put in the pictures for tonight’s chapter, so I’ll whip up a mini-tutorial and put it on tumblr and link you to it. So watch this space! :D”)

So here it is, my mini-tutorial on how to add pictures.


First of all, go to edit (or write) your chapter. Mine’s already a draft, and on the site it seems to be on HTML by default so switch it to Rich Text first:

Best time to post on ao3 2020

The editor will look a little different, and at the top you’ll find this symbol:

If you click that little icon, you’ll have this coming up:

You can’t upload pictures directly on Ao3, so you need a link. We host our pictures on tumblr, which gives our fic a little boost before we publish, so that’s a neat lil bonus. Copy the url from wherever you’ve hosted it, which you do by navigating to the image, right-click, and select “Copy image address” (or something similar if you’re not on Chrome/Windows)

And paste the url for your image into your little window on Ao3. It’ll automatically figure out the dimensions of your image.

For readability I would recommend not having the first (width) dimension of your image be any more than 800px, and keep those proportions constrained!!

And there’s your image! (The same image as before - it’s a gif!)

Now I’m a bit of a fancypants, so I want my images centered. It just looks neater. If you want to do that, you’ll have to go back into the HTML. (You totally don’t need to, this is just a lil bonus.)

Here we are. The line in the code highlighted in red is where your image is. Now what you need to do is find that <p> that’s just before the <img (etc) bit.

Here you need to insert


Ao3 Categories

like so:

And then when you switch back to Rich Text, it looks like this:

And there you go! Now you can either insert more images, or you can save and preview or publish.

Best time to post on ao3 instagram

Best Time To Post On Ao3 Instagram

And there you go!

I hope this has been helpful, feel free to reblog this!